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The only oral whitening kit you'll ever need.

Smile. Your life is about to change.

How often have you looked it the mirror and wished for whiter teeth?

And yet, you have not made that dental appointment because of two main factors: cost and time.

Now you can achieve the same whitening results, right here at home.

Blue LED light technology is what dentists use in teeth whitening, and it’s built into the Light To White Toothbrush to bring this technology into the convenience of your own home. Light To White Teeth Whitening Mousse works together with the Light To White Toothbrush; its’ receptor whitening agents react to the LED light when you brush.

Whitening is fast and effective every time you brush. Day by day, you’ll be greeted with the smile you’ve always wanted – clean, bright and beautiful.

What is Blue Led Technology?

In recent times, blue LED light has replaced UV light in teeth whitening procedures at dental clinics as the safer, more effective method. Now you can enjoy the same technology at home. Built into the Light To White Toothbrush, the blue LED light will activate the whitening agent in the Light To White Teeth Whitening Mousse to whiten your teeth at an accelerated pace.

Light To White works faster and more effectively than ordinary whitening toothpastes and toothbrushes, giving you visible results within the first few days. Regular use of Light To White Toothbrush and Light To White Teeth Whitening Mousse will whiten your teeth to their innate whiteness*, and maintain it that way.

*results vary

The only oral whitening kit you will ever need.

The blue LED light in the Light To White Toothbrush will activate the whitening agent in the Light To White Teeth Whitening Mousse to whiten your teeth at an accelerated pace. Together, they work faster and more effectively than ordinary whitening toothpastes and toothbrushes, giving you visible results within the first few days. 

Regular use will whiten your teeth to their innate whiteness* and maintain it that way. The degree of whiteness depends on each person’s inherent tooth properties and genes. 

*results vary

Blue LED Technology

Fast, safe and painless method for your convenience.

Effective whitening

Effective teeth whitening with your normal every-day brushing routine.

Proven results

Achieve instant teeth whitening results in as little as 5 days.

Customers Testimonials

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